Sunday, 17 May 2020

New Paintings - Still Life

Roy Scranton (2020) wrote “Existence has no shape but change, and history is one damned thing after another.” 

I’ve been wanting to make another Still Life work for some time. This work, I’ve called...There is a message in this (2020). 

I arranged the Still Life elements on our kitchen bench, deliberately positioned to reflect the accoutrements of modernity and memory. 

Resting her feet, one of our many empathetic visitors says “There’s a message in this”.  The messenger hangs her head.  The message light blinks 1.  We all know what the message relates to.  The COVID-19 virus.  But, the near future message is often contradictory. There are often multiple and or hidden messages. It’s is getting the economy going, bringing with it, employment, income and a sense of security, that there is a future, or something else?

The COVID-19 rules are being relaxed.  Get ready for the new rules. Whatever variation of the new rules of affects you, change it is! Be prepared.  What will be its shape?  It’s unlikely that the new normal will be the old normal, nor will it be static or move in a straight line.  Be prepared for further change.  There will be good news and positive outcomes but, there will also be uncertainty, back steps and exasperation on many levels!    

What come first: a healthy populace with a gradual, graduated and rules based social distancing system of getting back to work, back to school, sports, leisure and tourism activities?  A system where there is a mutuality of obligation and responsibility.  A system where the health and safety of the community holds a higher position than the rights of the individual.

Or less so?  A snapback to the “old normal” in full swing, no social distancing mandated restrictions, everything back to before and all borders reopened?  A win for individual right to choose?  Or a loss to the community? 

Life might be still at this moment, a time frozen in the moment, but soon it will not be!  We’re all now bit players at that part of the new normal play book, a play book with a maze of endless trails, twists, turns, dead ends and horizonless plains.  

There is a message in this!

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